
Just back from an evening with Wor. Bro. Minick and Brothers Bellis and Paritz  as we spent our Monday night representing DeKalb Masonic Lodge at our local DeKalb Chapter of Job’s Daughters.

I’ll tell you, those young girls are something to behold — not only did they do a wonderful job opening and closing their Chapter, but their degree work rivaled anything we as adults do and they ran a quick — and fun — meeting. Seems we could learn a thing or two from our Masonic youth!

With help from Bethels from Crystal Lake, Barrington, Ottawa and Western Springs, our one lone Jobie — Chloe Saint Arbor — initiated four girls into DeKalb Bethel, increasing their membership by 500%! The also installed two new adult advisors — though they are in need of a Master Mason as a sort of token guy, if any of you are interested. Rumors are that there are at least two other girls from Rochelle interested in joining.

Brothers, it’s important that we support our Masonic youth — by attending their meetings and events from time to time, giving financial support when they ask and, most importantly, helping to bring them new members. If your daughter, granddaughter, niece or sister is between the ages of 10 and 20, let her know that our Bethel meets at the DeKalb Masonic Temple on the first and third Mondays at 7 pm.

For more information about the Job’s Daughters, including age requirements and Masonic relationships, check out the Job’s Daughters International web site at www.IOJD.org.

And Brothers, try to find time in your schedule to attend at least one Job’s Daughters meeting — they are always welcoming Masons into their meetings and you’ll be amazed at the character, passion and enthusiasm of these young ladies.